Emotional Regulation
We often feel like we have lost control over our emotions, like our emotions control us! However, with a lot of practice and coping skills in your tool box, it is possible to take back control over your emotions.

Self Assessment
Answer a few questions to strengthen the mind body connection: Where am I?
Why am I here?
Am I safe?
Do I have my needs met?
What is my body doing?
Does anything hurt?
Did I eat and drink enough today?
Am I tired or sick?

Notice Your Thoughts
Notice your thoughts and give it a name, keep it simple! Allow them to exist. Do not try to change them or feed them. Scale the name of the thought or emotion from 1-10 (10 being the strongest).

Managing The Thought
How can you bring the scale down to something manageable? Try changing the sensory information by stepping outside, smelling strong peppermint oil, taking a warm shower, holding ice, use silly putty or slime, play a logic game to reframe, or find a competing emotion by watching a funny show or listening to your favorite song.